>Gresia upgreidas? Bus matyt po šeštadienio ;) > Ar siaip blogai skamba? Kaip anksčiau, taip ir dabar tvirtinu, man RS6/RX6 vienos geriausių už apie 3200 Lt kainą kolonėles ir puikus startas į garso pasaulį. Dar labai geras variantas Focal Chorus 816 V, bet jau kalbame apie +500-800 Lt (ir su subjektyviai prastesne apdaila) Jei jau net "Stereophile" įtiko: "I never expected the level of realism I ended up hearing from this loudspeaker. There's nothing much more I can say—the flawless and exceptional Silver RS6 gave me more listening pleasure than any other loudspeaker I have reviewed for Stereophile. In my more than 20 years of reviewing, I have not reviewed an audio component that produced greater sound quality per dollar than Monitor Audio's Silver RS6" Šaltinis: http://www.stereophile.com/floorloudspeakers/306monitor/index.html