Tema: Re: vel ausines, mini review
Autorius: CodeC
Data: 2013-02-02 11:18:06
On 01/29/2013 01:13 PM, psw wrote:
> Štai ką rašo Beyerdynamic savo puslapyje:
> "Difference between DT 990 PRO - DT 990 (Edition 2005) - (PRO vs.
> Consumer):
> The DT 880 PRO is designed for use in studio and on stage for
> professional use. It's headband has a more rugged construction (thicker
> material) and gives a more secure fit for the listener in comparison to
> the DT 880 Edition. This provides a better fit and causes also a more
> powerful compressed sound which is necessary for professional
> applications in studio, OB and FOH. The DT 880 Edition therefore is
> designed for easy listening. The headband provides a long wearing
> comfort for hours, causing the DT 880 Edition to have a more transparent
> and open sound in comparison to the DT 880 PRO.
> The differences of both headphones are not huge in mechanical design,
> but only that small change causes a big difference in sound and
> application.
> The following headphones:
> DT 990 PRO - DT 990
> DT 770 PRO - DT 770
> have a very similar difference."
> Darau išvada, kad tai skirtingos ausinės, kurių kainos taip pat
> skirtingos. Kiek radau, tai rekomenduojamos pardavimo kainos
> Vokietijoje, kur dar ir PVM 2% mežesnis nei Lietuvoje, yra tokios: Pro -
> 180 eurų (620Lt), Edition - 300 eurų (1030Lt):
> http://www.thomann.de/gb/beyerdynamic_dt990pro.htm
> http://eastern-europe.beyerdynamic.com/shop/hah/headphones-and-headsets/at-home/music-pleasure/dt-880-edition.html
> Tas pats matosi ir ebay pardavimuose - Pro kainos sukasi apie 150 eurų,
> Edition - apie 250-270 eurų:
> http://www.ebay.de/sch/i.html?_nkw=DT-990+edition&_sacat=0&_odkw=DT-990+pro&_osacat=0&_from=R40
> http://www.ebay.de/sch/i.html?_trksid=p5197.m570.l1313&_nkw=DT-990+pro&_sacat=0&_from=R40
> Belcanto 950Lt (275 euru) kaina kaip ir nėra kažkokia iš kito pasaulio,
> ar ne ;)
> p.s.: pasmirdo kiek nuo tamstelės, ką?

true true. tai visiskai kitokios ausines ir garsas man ju nepatinka. 
zemu nera visiskai. auksti spiegiantys kokie, zodziu nieko panasaus i 
dt990 edition. tame tarpe ir surinkimo/medziagu kokybe. taigi, 
issiduriau. bandysiu grazinti arba apsikeisti i edition versija.
liudniausia, kad belcanto nieko nezinojo apie pro versija, nors 
specialiai klausiau, kokia pas juos ir kuo skiriasi. tai tik peciais 
patrauke 'mes tik tokias turim'.