LAIKO MASINA PADARE: How does MultEQ address time and frequency problems? MultEQ filters start in the time domain. They aren't just a few parametric bands. Instead they use several hundred points to represent the room response in both the frequency and time domains. The trick is to use enough filter points to get the needed resolution but not so many that it overwhelms the processor inside the audio component. So we came up with a way to reduce the number of points without sacrificing accuracy while providing more filter power at lower frequencies where it's needed the most. MultEQ can correct 8 channels by using only a fraction of a single DSP chip. This gives you the best of both worlds: time and frequency correction. Result: room correction that works for the first time ever. o dabar rimtai. ka reikia rukyt, kad tokias nesamones rasinet? bet cia dar px. nereik daug smegenu, kad suprasti KODEL ir KAM tai daroma:) kur kas idomiau, ka reikia rukyt, kad tokias nesamones SUPRASTI (ar bent jau taip teigti ir tuo tiketi) ir jomis TIKETI ir realybej GIRDETI??? nu nx, dar tokio briedo seniai negirdejau. zinosim dar viena gamintoja-sarlatana, pardavinejanti NIEKA. On 2014.12.01 17:44, Icetom wrote: >> Kaip galima kompensuot uzdengta fazika? > > Aš savo kolonėlėse nedengiu skylių - išjungus Audyssey kai kurie įrašai > baubia. Įjungus MultEQ XT32 - nebebaubia, nors kolonėlės labai arti > sienos (arčiau kaip 30 cm).