Tema: Re: Bluetooth on-ear ausines
Autorius: Kesha
Data: 2019-10-04 14:00:25
on 2019.10.02, Klumpius supposed :
> Labai abejoju, kad jos vertos daugiau 100 euru.

nu dėl kainos, tai čia kiekvienas gali turėti savo nuomonę, bet 
paprastai gamintojas nustato savo kainą, todėl žmonės ir renkasi ką sau 
gali leisti kainos-kokybės ribose...
btw tokio tipo ausinių ir taip skambančių už 100 eur nėra jokių 

dėl papostinto review, tai čia tik jo nuomonė, ir iš to kaip jis ant jų 
pyksta, panašu, kad nenusisekė, arba brokuotos kažkokios ar dar kas.

> Idedu viena is k0omentaru.
> https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R153OUW593UUMG/
> ref=cm_cr_arp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B07G4MNFS1
> A first for me. I have these Sony headphones: MDR-1000X, 
> WH-1000XM2,WI-1000X, BC-WF1000X, as well as a couple of their WIRED ANC 
> phones. This one SOUNDS the worst - by far!
> (I suspect they had been returned to "Amazon Warehouse" for that very 
> reason. "Inspected" sticker means they work, but haven't been evaluated 
> for quality)
> Here's what I can't live with. The overall sound quality. They sound bad. 
> Legitimately bad. I honestly do not know what all the reviewers are 
> talking about. The increased bass response is completely unnatural. Good 
> bass does not make itself known, it's just a natural extension of the 
> sound. Instead, it's readily apparent that the bass is cranked up. I can 
> mostly live with that unless it takes away from the rest of the 
> presentation. Going back and forth for a full day with the XM2's, I can 
> definitively say my XM3 unit sounded muddy, muddled, and lacking 
> crispness. The difference was astounding. I keep the response curve flat 
> and leave on the default settings including the high quality stream. I'm 
> using Google Music on a Pixel 2XL as my source. The highs lose their 
> definition and edge. Things that should be clear, crisp, sound like they 
> are coming through fabric or drywall or something. Going back to the XM2, 
> they were far tighter and clear. The XM3 does soften the hard edges of 
> older recordings. My albums by The Monkees sound better with the high 
> treble softened, but on modern music, it's frustrating to try to hear the 
> edge of sounds that now just blend like mush into the mid bass.
> I had a co-worker do a blind test. After 20 seconds with the XM3's, he 
> declared they sound terrible. He confirmed what I had been feeling and 
> told me to keep the XM2's.
> Maybe I had a bad unit. When I tested the floor model of the XM2's a few 
> months ago it sounded like garbage but the reviews were so good I took a 
> chance. My home unit sound way way way better. So with the stellar 
> reviews of the XM3's I figured it was a safe buy. I am incredibly 
> disappointed. I really really really really really wanted to like these. 
> I really did. But reading gleeful claims that they have a "laid back" 
> sound while comparing to the more "lively" B&W PX headphones is a joke. 
> If "laid back" means lacks definition and accurate energy... then okay, 
> they are super laid back. I want it to sound right. I want guitars to 
> have that edge. Vocals to sound present, not behind a veil. Bass to have 
> quick response, not lingering mud. These sound like they have a standing 
> wave in the midbass.
> As a side note: I've never gotten the NFC pairing to work on with the XM2 
> or XM3.
> It seems I'm in the minority. But reading other reviews I see people 
> talking about how similar the sound quality is between the XM2 and XM3. 
> Not for me. Vastly different. I'll miss the greater sound stage, but I'll 
> easily pick a more accurate sound than the mud.
>> Klumpius explained on 2019.09.29 :
>>> Kokios butu paskutines naujienos? Noreciau ka nors pabandyti geresnio
>> nelabai jau naujienos, bet Sony WH-1000XM3 vienos iš geresnių.
>>>> Gal kas neseniai rinkosi ir zino i ka verta atkreipti demesi.
>>>>  Brangiu neieskau, tinka ir aliexpress. Poreikiai: on-ear, bt (aptx
>>>>  privalumas). Aktyvus garso slopinimas nebutinas.
>>>> Any ideas?