Tema: Re: automatiniu langu privalumai
Autorius: wiedras
Data: 2010-02-18 15:55:16
uždarius langą palaikai dar knopkę ~3-4 sek. ir featuras persijungia.

"Eex" <eex_trint_@dtiltas.lt> wrote in message 
> pas mane opelyje ilgiau palaikius knopke automatiskai atsidaro/uzsidaro.
> atjungus akuma - langas veriasi tol, kol laikai knopke. buvau servise 
> opelio kazko, tai meistras pats "pataise" ir vel dabar palaikius knopke 
> automatiskai uzsidaro/atsidaro. kazkur lygtais skaiciau, kaip ten opelyje 
> sita "featursa" ijungti/isjungti, kazkas panasaus kaip ir passate.
> "Dainiushas" <skirdain@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> news:hliuei$h27$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> čia kurio pasato?
>> Btw, kažkokią panašią maldą esu skaitęs ir opeliui.
>> "bomanz" <kazkur@taj.ten> wrote in message 
>> news:hlitvc$gbo$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> AMB wrote:
>>>> http://www.taurages.info/index.php/naujienos/112/858-automobilio-langas-praud-vaik.html
>>> Su Passat'ais yra šiokių tokių subtilumų. Neaišku kodėl taip padaryta. 
>>> Moralas- remontuokite tik autorizuotame servise :)
>>> Note
>>> The automatic opening and closing features for the electric windows do 
>>> not function after disconnecting and reconnecting the vehicle battery. 
>>> Therefore, beginning immediately, before a new vehicle is delivered, the 
>>> electric windows must be reinitialised. The vehicle battery must not be 
>>> disconnected after initialisation.
>>> After vehicle battery has been disconnected and reconnected the 
>>> roll-back function of the electric window regulators is disabled. Severe 
>>> pinching injuries could result!
>>> Perform the following procedure to initialise the electric windows:
>>> –  Close all doors and windows completely.
>>> –  Lock vehicle from outside at driver door or front passenger door.
>>> –  Unlock vehicle.
>>> –  Lock vehicle again from outside at driver door or front passenger 
>>> door. Hold key in lock position for at least 1 second.