Tema: Re: katalizatoriaus pasalinimas
Autorius: arulis
Data: 2009-03-31 22:54:42
susitvarkyk lambda, paskui va radau - galima su manometru vakuuminiu ant 
isiurbimo (pvz pakabint manometra vietoj stabdziu stiprintuvo):

The easiest test for converter plugging is done with a vacuum gauge. Connect 
the gauge to a source of intake vacuum on the intake manifold, carburetor or 
throttle body. Note the reading at idle, then raise and hold engine speed at 
2,500. The needle will drop when you first open the throttle, but should 
then rise and stabilize. If the vacuum reading starts to drop, pressure may 
be backing up in the exhaust system.


"Volcano" <VolcanoTNT@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Sveiki ALL
> Kur ant Vln patarsite, kreiptis kad isimtu katalizatorius, nupirktu juos 
> ir sudetu vietoj ju ka reikia, t.y. viskas vienam kad per kelias vietas 
> nevazineti,
> aciu
> --
> Volcano