Tema: Re: Ar cia koks prikolas?
Autorius: ramunas
Data: 2010-09-26 11:52:14
jie paypalui kazkaip parodo padirbta pervedima ... paypalas uzregistruoja, 
kad yra tinkamas pervedimas, o po to issiaiskina, kad padirbtas ir atsaukia 
apmokejima, o preke jau buna issiusta...
P.S. bet tai atrodo jau ne pirmus metus cia sedi ir dar nezhinai apie tas 
apgaules .... indomiai indomiai :)

"Arturas Rotar" <arotar@balticum-tv.lt> wrote in message 
> aciu, zinosiu :)
> o jei as is jo prasau agento su kokiu tracking numberiu arba kitokiu 
> registracijos budu? :)
> "ramunas" <doobas@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> news:i7mvom$ird$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> nu bled nejuokauk taip ... dar paims ir patikes ir parduos ....
>> Arturai, pamirsk tas nesamones. eiline afera ... jos yra 2 rusiu ... 
>> viena ta kuria tu apipasakojai... kita ta kur i nigerija reikia siusti 
>> viska...
>> <nerkap@is.lt> wrote in message news:i7muip$hjs$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> Nea viskas tvarkoj. Visi siais laikais taip pardavineja
>>> "Arturas Rotar" <arotar@balticum-tv.lt> wrote in message 
>>> news:i7mtcb$gc5$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> Sveiki,
>>>> gavau stai toki maila is zmogelio, kuris susidomejo mano kledaru. Stai 
>>>> susirasinejimas:
>>>> "Hello.
>>>> I am Dr Richard Booth, . I Will like to know the condition of the Auto 
>>>> mobile and.Email me with more information about the Auto on my 
>>>> email.And also get back to me with the actual price you are willing to 
>>>> sell the Auto mobile.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Get to mail me back soon at my personal email: richardbooth22@gmail.com
>>>> Dr Richard."
>>>> Tada as jam atrasiau visa tiesa apie savo auto ir gavau stai ka:
>>>> "
>>>> Hello Arturas.
>>>> i have read all about the car which am satisfied with.i calculated the 
>>>> money to euro which is 1,013.67 EUR but i will be offering you extra 
>>>> 200 euro so i will be paying you1,213 EUR.but there is a problem...the 
>>>> problem is that I'm in Arizona for an interview,i won't be able to pick 
>>>> the car so i will want my shipping agent to do so..i will be paying you 
>>>> via pay-pal money transfer or i will transfer the money into you 
>>>> account...Kindly get back to me with your pay-pal email address or your 
>>>> band details for instant payment....please make it snappy
>>>> Note:i will be including the agents fee in the payment so you will help 
>>>> me to send the money so he can come when you see the payment...
>>>> hope to hear from you soon....
>>>> Dr Richard.."
>>>> Na dabar kaip ir jis laukia paypal'o. Nusiunciau. Nu o kas toliau? 
>>>> Zinau kad paypal'as turi toki finta - as pinigu negaunu, kol pirkejas 
>>>> nepatvirtina kad gavo preke. O tai nebus taip, kad jis gaves ja atsauks 
>>>> pavedima ar kazka tokio? :)
>>>> Gal kam teko pardavinet karuti tokiu "nelietuvisku" budu ir galit ka 
>>>> patart?
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