Tema: Re: Auto pirkimas is autoscout24.de
Autorius: Dainiushas
Data: 2010-11-12 08:48:07
net nežiūrėk nesąmonių kur kainuoja pigiau nei mutiniai autopliuse....

"cialestino" <koks@mano.reikalas> wrote in message 
> Taigi, radau ten patikusi modeli, parasiau e-mail'a, gaunu atsakyma:
> "Hello,
> First of all i must inform you that i am not living anymore in 
> Germany...only the car is still registered in Germany.
> I am a private seller and the second owner...where are you from?????
> My last price is € 4.700. I was married in Germany, but unfortunately i 
> divorced after 6 months. Now i am located in Athens, Greece and i have the 
> car here with me. When i tried to register it here i realised that the 
> cost is too expensive so i decided that is better to sell it and buy other 
> one already registered here. If you can't come here to pick up the car i 
> can ship it to your location for free and you will have 5 days inspection 
> period until you decide to buy it or not. Please let me know if you are 
> interested .
> Thank you
> Ellinas"
> Kazkas jau buvo berods kazkokio panasaus atsakymo sulaukes, tik nepamenu 
> kaip ten kas konkreciai buvo..
> Kazkaip man nelabai aisku su tuo auto shippinimu for free...Nesitiki, kad 
> jis ta masina siuntines for free i lietuva, po to dar kur nors ir t.t.