Tema: Re: kokias perkat H7 lempas ?
Autorius: LabaiNeSpauda
Data: 2011-01-18 22:07:19
Grybe tu, nepatingejau surast:
Halogen lamps are manufactured with enough halogen to match the rate of 
tungsten evaporation at their design voltage. Increasing the applied voltage 
increases the rate of evaporation, so at some point there may be 
insufficient halogen and the lamp goes black. Over-voltage operation is not 
generally recommended. With a reduced voltage the evaporation is lower and 
there may be too much halogen, which can lead to abnormal failure. At much 
lower voltages, the bulb temperature may be too low to support the halogen 
cycle, but by this time the evaporation rate is too low for the bulb to 
blacken significantly. There are many situations where halogen lamps are 
dimmed successfully. However, lamp life may not be extended as much as 
predicted. The life span on dimming depends on lamp construction, the 
halogen additive used and whether dimming is normally expected for this 
A moki skaityt kas yra at much lower voltages?
Kiek masinoj su standartiniais laidais ytampos buna ka?
Bile ble egzpertu pabut.

"a" <a@a.a> parašė naujienų news:ih4lh6$1pc$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> "LabaiNeSpauda" <bimbam@samxam.lt> wrote in message 
> news:ih4jje$v88$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Seip, tavo minetas keitimas nepasiduodai logikai niekaip.
>> Blogi/ploni laidai - zemesne ytampa - ilgiau tarnauja lempute.
> kokioinors wikipedioi pasiskaityk apie halogenines lemputes ir eik 
> nusibausk...