Tema: Re: apgaule?
Autorius: 323
Data: 2011-03-02 19:17:02
o kokiu pagrindu bankas perveda pinigus jie jo saskaita tuscia?...
ir jiegu mano paskui tuscia - tai kaip jis pasiims atgal..
Nu bet maybe.., reiketu susirast ta straipsni kur raso...

"V"  wrote in message news:iklr51$bap$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

turbut lryte o gal ir kitur buvo rasyta, kad bankas perveda i tavo saskaita
pinigus, o po kurio laiko kai issiaiskina kad uzsieniecio saskaita tuscia -
pinigus susigrazina

"323" <323@nomail.lt> wrote in message
> ar yra cia apgaule?
> idejau skelbima i mobile.de ...
> gavau atsakyma stai toki:
> Hello,
> The price of the car is ok for me and i want to pay for it.
> Therefore, I want you to remove the vehicle from the advertisement web 
> site.
> I am a private broker and a dealer.
> A certified cashier cheque payment will be sent to you, which you have to 
> pay into your bank account.
> Once the money is credited in your account, you have to inform me, and i 
> will send a shipping company to come and collect the car.
> You will not release the car, untill you have the cash money in your bank 
> account.
> I will require your.
> First name: ...................................
> Last name: ...................................
> Address: ...................................
> City: ...................................
> Post code: ...................................
> Country: ...................................
> Mobile number: ...................................
> confirm car price :........................................
> I also want to inform you that i will include the cost of the shipping in 
> the cheque,
> which you have to pay the shipper, when he comes to you for collection of 
> the car.
> I repeat You will not release the car until the money credited to your 
> account.