Tema: Re: kaip issukti prikepusia zvake?
Autorius: bleketas
Data: 2011-03-02 23:16:03
kaip man kazkada pasakojo ir as taip dariau, tai pyliau kazkoki marmala ir 
taip judinau, pirmyn atgal, pirmyn atgal, ir taip vis po truputi daugiau 
pirmyn, daugiau na ir nieko, issisuko ir viskas kolkas ok.

"g..@home" <g.domarkas@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> The other issue is the fact that these plugs can and will work their way 
> out of the alumimum head with repeated heat cycles over time, if they are 
> not tightened properly to begin with or are not checked periodically, e.g. 
> every oil change. If they do blow out, they destroy the threads in the 
> head and probably the coil. Not pretty.
> na zodziu.. kazkaip ivoremis nepasitikeciau.
> uzmerkiau ant nakties su stabdziu skysciu.. ziuresim kaip ryte bus.
> ?? kada lengviau issukti zvakes, kai karstos ar kai saltos??