Tema: Re: Polikarbonato klijavimas (kazkada buvo postas lyg)
Autorius: Jaegermeister
Data: 2011-03-31 08:16:25
Terpentinas rekomenduoja va sita:

"Arturas | www.langucentras.lt" <arturas@langucentras.lt> wrote in message 
> papuikintu akiniu polikarbonatine fiksuojama ausis nutruko,  noretusi 
> priklijuot kol ateis sprare dalis
> 1 Ar yra klijai?
> 2 Kur gauti methylene chloride or chloroform (:) tipo tirpdo
> (Add a small trail of methylene chloride or chloroform along one edge of 
> one sheet.Allow the solvent to soak into the sheet. The edge should become 
> a little sticky)
> Google ismitis
> http://www.ipscorp.com/assembly/polycarbonate
> http://www.ehow.com/how_5686551_glue-polycarbonate-sheet.html
> -- 
> Artūras Brazas
> mob. +370 655 40000
> fax:   +370 614 80000
> skype: langucentras.lt
> web:   www.langucentras.lt
> email: arturas@langucentras.lt