Tema: Re: masinos is UK registravimas Lt
Autorius: kaiser
Data: 2011-05-09 08:37:21
Važiuoja čia su tai pačiais numeriais. O po to nuo V5 atsiplėšia 
nedidelė dalis "eksportavimas iš UK visam laikui, bla bla bla". DVLA 
ofiso adresas ten nurodytas juo ir siunčiama.

P.S. "Taking your vehicle abroad for more than 12 months (permanent export)

When a vehicle registered in the United Kingdom (UK) is taken out of the 
country for 12 months or more, it’s regarded as being permanently 
exported from the UK.

You can tell DVLA by filling in the section ‘Notification of Permanent 
Export’ (V5C/4) of the vehicle registration certificate (V5C), and send 
it to DVLA, Swansea SA99 1BD. Keep the rest of the registration 
certificate, as you may need this to re-register the vehicle abroad. 
Your vehicle will become subject to the legal requirements of the new 
country when exported.

If you don’t have a registration certificate you’ll need to get a 
certificate of permanent export (V561). Download and complete the V756 
‘Application for certificate or permanent export’ and send to DVLA, 
Swansea, SA99 1AG."


2011.05.07 19:33, zhegonskas rašė:
> Ir ka daryt? isregistruot uk, su kazkokiais tranzitiniais vaziuot cia 
> ir po to registruot? Kaip tas vyksta?