Tema: Re: Audi uzpirko silikono??
Autorius: Dainiushas
Data: 2011-09-16 21:04:42
Alusil tikrai tas pats kas siluminas?

On 09/16/2011 03:56 PM, S54 wrote:
> ne silikonas, o silicis.
> tas aliuminio ir silicio lydinys senas kaip pasaulis, ir vadinasi
> Siluminas.
> Is jo gamina/gamino pigias pakabinamas spynas, dujinius pistoletus ir
> panasius liejamus daiktus.
> pasizymi tuo kad lengvai sutruksta nuo smugio ir blogai virinasi.
> "joe doe" wrote in message news:j4v5eh$l4p$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> The cylinder block is made from an aluminum-silicon alloy by a
> low-pressure chill casting process that achieves a high standard of
> homogeneity. The high proportion of silicon makes the cylinder walls
> extremely resistant to wear.
> Silicon is a chemical element, the basic stuff of which microchips are
> made. Silicones are plastics and other materials containing
> silicon, the most commonly discussed example being silicone breast
> implants. Less used by the general public is “silica”: an oxide
> of silicon.