Moka pots are sometimes referred to as stove-top espresso makers and produce coffee with an extraction ratio similar to that of a conventional espresso machine. Depending on bean variety and grind selection, Moka pots can create a foam emulsion, known as crema. However, the maximum pressure for coffee extraction which can be achieved with a Moka pot is 1.5 bar [citation needed]. According to the Italian Espresso National Institute and the Specialty Coffee Association of America, an espresso must be made using a precise extraction pressure of 9 bar.[7][8] So, while a Moka coffee pot can produce a crema similar to espresso's, different equipment is required to make a true espresso. čia šiaip :) "VNO" <> wrote in message news:j862cd$mu9$ > moka puodelis daro tik espresso. > o aparato tai tik viena is funkciju... > > nors manau abeju skonis bus geras. > > VNO > > "Exo" <> wrote in message news:j861ri$m6l$ >> Būtų tikrai įdomu paimti tokią pat kavą, vandenį ir vieną iš šitų šustrų aparatų bei mokos kavinuką (paprastą) ir pažiūrėti iš ko skanesnė kava gausis :) ta prasme čia aš nieko nebandau teigti, ištiesų įdomu būtų... >> >> >> Exo >> >> >> "Zigmas" <> wrote in message news:j85jh4$umo$ >>> Parduodu visiskai nauja kavos aparata Jura impressa J5 Platinum/Black >>> nuoroda i preke - >>> >>> >>> uz 3000 lt yra garantija. >>> >>> Jei kam idomu rasykit i emeila - >>> >>> >>>