Tema: Re: scam? arba - kur šuo pakastas?
Autorius: Terpentinas
Data: 2012-07-05 16:24:38
O ką guglas sako apie jo duomenis, pvz emailą, vardę, pavardę. Paprašyk 
daugiau jo duomenų, tegul atsiunčia skenuotą pasą.
Kad scamas čia tai faktas, duok jam savo sąskaitą su klaidingu vienu 
skaičiumi. Ir pažiūrėk ką jis sakys.
Jei turi laiko tai su jais reikia dirbti, kitoms aukoms turės mažiau laiko 

"Vytautas J." <user@example.net> wrote in message 
> sveiki, pardavinėju auto ir iškart prisistatė "pirkejas". klausimas būtų, 
> kur čia šuva pakastas? kol kas - nieko neįžvelgiu... kas bus, jei duosiu 
> jam savo saskaitos numeri?
> aciu už pamastymus.
> 1. pirmasis kontaktas:
> i am really interested in buying this car, what is the condition of
> the engine, is there any additional information i need to know about
> the car? What your final price... Chris.
> 2. čia seka mano pasakojimas apie auto
> 3. jo atsakymas:
> >>>> Thanks for your response.I think 7.000LT is a good price. Go to
> >>>> www.paypal.com and setup an account.So i will be paying directly into
> >>>> your PayPal account without any delay. Get back to me with the 
> >>>> details
> >>>> below
> >>>>
> >>>> Name:
> >>>> PayPal Email address
> >>>>
> >>>> Or you can send me a paypal money request, so once i receive the
> >>>> details i will go ahead with the payment through PayPal and then i
> >>>> will contact my shipping company after you get the payment.
> >>>>  I will need your home address for the auto to be Picked Up by the
> >>>> Shipping Company..
> >>>>
> >>>> Awaiting your reply soon.
> >>>>
> >>>> +447031957720
> 4. mano paklausimas:
> >>> ok, as i can see you are from UK? please answer me this first - how do
> >>> you planning to bring this car to the UK? or how it will be taken from
> >>> me?
> 5. jo atsakymas:
> >> Don't worry about the pick up and delivery. i have an agent here that
> >> will
> >> take care of that. With the issue of my details,transferring the name 
> >> of
> >> ownership and signing of all paperwork will be done by the pick up 
> >> agent
> >> so
> >> you don't have to worry about that.I would be able to make payment
> >> through
> >> paypal, i find it the easiest way to use my credit card safely and
> paypal
> >> is a safe and reliable method of payment online.
> >>
> >> Chris
> 6. mano bandymas mazintis, kad neturiu paypal ir kreditines kortos:
> > hello again. problem is that i don't have credit card, so opening paypal
> > account is quite impossible for me. but if you have a guy, who takes 
> > care
> > of everything, then just send him money so he can bring cash to me. and
> > everything will be solved in 15 mins.
> >
> > let me know what you think?
> 7. jo atsakymas:
> Oh..sorry to hear you don't have an account with PayPal.I hope you
> wont mind to get an account with PayPal. Its reliable and easy to use
> PayPal,all you need to do is visit www.paypal.com and register with
> them. When you are done with the registration send me the email used
> for the registration with PayPal so i can pay in.But if you still
> insist on Bank transfer, let me have your full bank details so that i
> can proceed with payment as soon as possible
> Await your response..