Turim mes cia tokia programa, instaliuojasi va taip (zemiau visas tekstas) viskas kaip ir pasidaro, klaidu kaip ir jokiu.. bet nepasileidzia. tiesiog nepasileidzia.... perkopijavau visa RSL direktorija is kompo su win 7 - veikia, bet laaabai letai. pati programa pasileidzia is servo per tinkla. bandziau ivairius compatibility nustymus - niekas nesikeicia gal turesit minciu... ************************************************************************************** **** THE FOLLOWING MUST BE DONE AS AN ADMINISTRATOR **** ***** VISTA AND 7 MUST HAVE UAC DISABLED **** ************************************************************************************** 12th July 2011 1) Please note the banner about UAC at the top of this file. Install PROGRESS, this will require a reboot: - Run "V:\OE102A\netsetup\setup.exe". Use "C:\temp" for working directory. N.B. If you are asked to register any extensions that already exist answer no. If the option is available to install .NET Framework, please select If asked whether to make to make the LocalIntranet_zONE FullTrust, please confirm. 2) Open "V:\Distrib\Register\102A", and execute the following: - a) RegWinNT.cmd for 32-bit clients or RegWinNT64.cmd for 64-bit clients N.B. All response boxes should say succeeded, answer OK. When asked about updating the registry, answer Yes. b) CR XI R2 Runtime\Crystal XIR2 Runtime for VisionII.msi c) MS XML 4\msxml4.msi d) XML Driver\setup.exe 3) Open "Control Panel | Fonts" and install fonts from "V:\Distrib\Fonts". Press "select all" and then "OK". 4) Add icons to the desktop: Windows XP Open "V:\Distrib" and copy "Documents and Settings" onto the local C drive. Answer yes to replace. Windows Vista/7 Open "V:\Distrib\Documents and Settings\Desktop and copy the shortcuts to the "C:\Users\[user name]\desktop". 5) Change the permissions of the folder "C:\Program Files\RSL" and "C:\XML" to allow full control for everybody. ************************************************************************************** **** THE FOLLOWING IS ONLY REQUIRED FOR the MDI / DOT NOT INTERFACE **** ************************************************************************************** For any PCs displaying Infragistics errors when attempting to run the ..NET interface: First check that the .NET Framework is installed on the PC Then run a modified version of the following command in order to ensure that the local share is defined to have 'Full Trust': 32-bit: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\caspol.exe -m -ag LocalIntranet_Zone -url \\ML350\Radius\oe102a\* FullTrust -n "OE102A" -d "Progress OpenEdge Network Install" 64-bit C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\caspol.exe -m -ag LocalIntranet_Zone -url \\ML350\Radius\oe102a\* FullTrust -n "OE102A" -d "Progress OpenEdge Network Install" ************************************************************************************** **** THE FOLLOWING IS ONLY REQUIRED FOR PSACONNECT OR CRYSTAL REPORTS DEVELOPMENT **** ************************************************************************************** 32-bit: Open "Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Data Sources (ODBC)" 64-bit: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe click on the "System DSN" tab, press "Add", select: - "Progress OpenEdge 10.2A driver" Below are the details for each database: - LIVE TEST LIVE SFDC TEST SFDC GENERAL TAB Data Source Name: visionII testII sfdcII testsfII Description: visionII testII sfdcII testsfII Host Name: [Servers IP] [Servers IP] [Servers IP] [Servers IP] Port Number: 3500 4500 3501 4501 Database Name: vision vision sfdc sfdc User ID: [PC Node Name] [PC Node Name] [PC Node Name] [PC Node Name] ADVANCED TAB Default Isolation Level:*SEE BELOW* *SEE BELOW* *SEE BELOW* *SEE BELOW* Fetch Array Size: 50 50 50 50 N.B. PSAConnect - The "Default Isolation Level" must be set to "READ COMMITTED". Crystal - The "Default Isolation Level" must be set to "READ UNCOMMITTED".