gal turi nakti pafilmaves? kaip su garantija? "CiuraZ" wrote in message news:ln2a1h$pda$ Sveiki, Nauja partija geresne kaina autoregistratoriu Full HD su GPS CL_800GS_D Ambarella A2 GPS 269Lt CL_800GS_D Ambarella A7 GPS 319Lt Specifications: ...Records 1080P HD Video & Audio ...Accurate GPS Data Logger (Google Maps and Earth) ...3 Axis G-Shock Sensor for Accident Data ...Easily Mounts onto Vehicle Dashboard ...1.5" LCD Viewing Screen ...120 Degree Viewing Angle ...Records Time and Date Stamp ...Up to 32GB SD Card (Not Included) ...Plug-in Device (Car Adapter) ...Includes HDMI Cable ...Based on Ambarella A5/A7 Processor -- Ciuraz 86I2 669II Vilnius -- Ciuraz 86I2 669II Vilnius