Tema: Re: REQ: padangos 205/60/R16
Autorius: budulis vulgaris
Data: 2016-09-19 09:13:15
2016-09-18 19:59, Igaliotinis rašė:
> nu tai sudu dezei be matoro sueina ir tie hankukai be problemu, o
> buduliai galvoja, kad cia pyzda koks pasiekimas;)

Na tai reiškia visi BMW modeliai yra šūdų dėžės be motoro:

The 7 Series Sedan is the seventh model by the BMW Group joins others to
be fitted with Hankook Tire including the MINI, the BMW 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
Series as well as the X1 and X5