Tema: Re: CROSS: Apklausa. Diskusijos
Autorius: Modestas
Data: 2017-02-27 21:29:07
2017.02.27 21:33, ejs rašė:
> 2017-02-27 21:05, Modestas rašė:
>> Ir todėl apklausoje trūksta trečios alternatyvos - nuasmeninto
>> prisijungimo su vartotojo id/slaptažodžiu.
> o daemon'as moka taip dirbti?
> Pvz http://dotsrc.org/usenet/ reikia galiojančio pašto adreso.

O kur jis dėsis?
The nnrp.access file

     This field determines what permissions the matching host should be 
granted. There are two permissons you may configure: R gives read 
permissions, and P gives posting permissions.


     This field is optional and allows you to specify a username that an 
NNTP client must log into the server before being allowed to post news 
articles. This field may be left blank. No user authentication is 
required to read articles.


     This field is optional and is the password accompanying the 
username field. Leaving this field blank means that no password is 
required to post articles.

Kas bus labai aršus - gauna "R" iš žiūri kaip kiti laimingi lauke 
žaidžia kamuoliu.