Tema: Re: Dyzelis ar benzas?
Autorius: Invertuota panda
Data: 2018-04-26 09:33:41
On 4/26/18 08:07, Dainiushas wrote:
> taigi yra normos apie gamintojo vidutinį CO2. tai sueina viskas, nuo
> hibridinių pikapų iki 0w20 tepalo :D
pInpis ten su tais pikapais, USA gi neskriaus savuju:
Gas guzzler tax
The U.S government introduced the Gas Guzzler Tax as a part of the
Energy Tax Act. The tax was introduced to tax the purchase of
inefficient vehicles at the same time that Corporate Average Fuel
Economy (CAFE) standards were introduced. The Gas Guzzler Tax applies
only to vehicles classified as cars, as opposed to light trucks. Since
1991, cars with a combined fuel economy rating under 22.5 mpg‑US (10.5
L/100 km; 27.0 mpg‑imp) have been subject to the tax. Light trucks,
which includes virtually all sport-utility vehicles, pickup trucks and
vans, are not subject to the tax.