Tema: Re: vw b7 kakybe #2
Autorius: meska
Data: 2018-08-10 13:05:58
On 2018-08-10 09:46:59 +0000, eSSas said:
> O jei taip kleimą vokiečiams mestelt?
> S.

Vokieiciai mandagiai pasiule eiti NX:)

We are sorry to learn that rust has occured on your Volkswagen. Please 
understand, however,
that it is not possible for us to comment on the sitaution from this 
end, because we cannot
assess your concern properly from the distance and on the basis of 
correspondence only.
Furthermore, there are various factors which have to be taken into 
account in such cases, such
as the cause and nature of the rust as well as the car's age and 
previous service history.
Therefore, an examination by a Volkswagen dealer on the spot is 
necessary in order to
determine the circumstances and the question of costs in the individual case.
Thank you for sharing your views with us and thereby giving us the 
opportunity to comment.