Tema: Re: Check enginas
Autorius: kitas
Data: 2018-11-18 13:11:33

Gal kam idomu:

šitie nissanai (almeros, primeros, x-trailai, tiksliai nežinau iki 
kurios kartos/metų), pasirodo, turi galimybę be kompo 
nuskaityti/nuresetinti CE kodą: pamaigai gazo pedalą pagal tam tikrą 
seką ir pradeda CE indikatorius mirksėti. Pagal mirksiukus gavau 0404 – 
EGR'as. Antradienį važiuosiu remontuot :)


This is how you reset the check engine light. No tools required!

In car ECM Diagnostics/ECM Reset procedure:

1) Sit in the driver's seat.
2) Turn the ignition key to the ON position and wait three seconds. (Do 
not start the car.)
3) Fully depress and release the accelerator pedal five times in less 
than five seconds.
4) Wait exactly seven seconds. Fully depress the accelerator pedal for 
ten seconds until the MIL light flashes.
5) Release the accelerator pedal and start counting flashes to obtain 
the four-digit trouble code.

Long flashes (0.6 seconds) indicate the first digit of the code; count 
the blinks one through nine and write down the first digit. (Ten blinks 
indicates a zero.)
The next three digits follow in turn in the same fashion except with 
faster blinks (0.3 second) and a 1.0-second pause between digits.

The ECM code repeats intself until you turn the ignition key to the OFF 
position, at which point the ECM resets itself to standard 
get-in-and-drive-the-car mode.
You can look up the trouble codes in the ESM/FSM; there's a bunch of 
them. In the ESM, refer to page EC-639.
Additionally, if you get four blinks of ten (0000), the ECM is 
indicating no malfunction.

You can clear the code (and the annoying MIL) by holding down the 
accelerator pedal for more than 10 seconds while in Diagnostic Test Mode 
II. When you release the pedal, the ECM erases the trouble code(s).

On 2018-11-14 21:06, kitas wrote:
> Sveiki,
> x-trailas, T-30 („pirmas“) dCI. Įsijungė check engine. Variklis dirba 
> kaip įprastai, nedūmija, trauka nedingo, tempertatūra nekyla.
> Kažkuriuo metu dar avarinis signalas įsijungė, bet greitai užgeso.
> Gal kas susidūrė su kažkuom panašaus, ar tik diagnostika / dyzelistai 
> gali padėti?
> ---
> pagarbiai,
> Vitas