On 2019-03-18 01:12, 中国百强 wrote: > https://qz.com/1170694/housing-was-the-worlds-best-investment-over-the-last-150-years/ > > > apie investicyjes ;) Žiauriai geras tūlo lietuvio akiai straipsnio pavadinimas :) Turbūt net neskaitys straipsnio, bėgs paskolos į banką :) O dabar keli sakinukai iš to paties straipsnio rožinių akinių nupurtymui: Investuotojų priminimui apie Force majeure: ....there were large differences across the 16 countries included. At 3.3%, the extra return you would have gotten on housing compared to equity investment was largest in France, where equity investments were particularly low due to the devastation of World War II, a wave of nationalizations of private businesses after that war, and an oil crisis in the 1960s. -------------------- Apie skaičiavimų formulės ydeles: One limitation of the analysis is that it does not account for taxes. ------------ Ir kam visa tai aktualu: The study’s findings are more useful for investors who can consider investing in multiple residential properties than they are for individuals (or individual families) who would likely be buying just one home. A single home is a much riskier asset than a diverse portfolio of residential real estate.