Priekis su galu apsikeite kaip reikia... Dabar tik priekiniai susimaise kaire su desine.... :) -- andzeja <> Wrote in message: > Update. Neveik? dds mygtukas, prad?jau ie?koti kod?l... tai pasirodo skydelio kompe buvo disabled dds. ?jungiau ir vuolia, ijungus diegima atsirado skydelyje padanga su sauktuku bei pradejo veikt mygtukas. Padariau reseta palaikes 4 sek. Ryt bus matyt ar po reseto kazkas pasikeite.-- andzeja <> Wrote in message:> Dekui, va dar ka radau, but juoko jei pades...Corsa-D, Astra-H, Zafira-B and Insignia with tyre pressure control systemThe tyre pressure monitoring system is a combination of direct and indirect measuring. Unlike the system in the Signum / Vectra-C it only has one receiver / control unit. For this reason the system has to be "taught" to recognise the positions of the tyres.Wheels that are removed as part of the pre-delivery inspection or because of defects during transport must be replaced in the same positions to avoid the need for a reset.The system "learns" as follows:Press the reset button for 4 seconds with the ignition ON or with the engine running and then drive approximately 10 min / 6 mls (10 km) (the driver, not the dealer!). During this time the system teaches itself.Note: The customer should be informed that during the first 10 minutes of driving the system can only provide limited information.It differentiates between the front and rear axles. In the event of tyre pressure loss the system then also differentiates between right and left.-- "Zhiniukas" <> Wrote in message:> Tai pas tave jie prisirise. Visi rodo. Tik rodo pievas. Neprisirise nerodo nieko.Arba sukeisk daviklius, arba aiskinkis, kaip perprogramuot atvaizdavima, kad atitiktu realybe.Imtuvas buna vienas visiems ratams."andzeja" <> wrote in message news:qigb20$d89$> Sistemos nenarpliojau, bet matyt stovi prie kiekvieno rato imtuvas, kurio > laidai ikisti i tam tikrus portus i tmps, tmps zino, jei is to laido > ateina signalas, tai reiskias yra priekis kaire?> Manuale parasyta po 50 km turi prisiristi.>> -- >>> Dainiushas <> Wrote in message:>> o tai kaip gali kilt mintis, kad jie gali patys susikalibruot? :)On >> 8/7/2019 10:44 PM, andzeja wrote:> Sveiki, pakeiciau 3-ju padangu slegio >> davikliu batarkes. Nepazymejau kuris daviklis kuriame rate buvo. Dabar >> desineje puseje supainioti priekinis su galiniu. Paveikslelyje matosi >> kaip pripuciau, o kitame ka rodo BC. Zmona nuvaziavo taip jau apie 3 kkm, >> patys nesusikalibravo. Ka galima padaryti kad teisingai rodytu be padangu >> permontavimo? Opelis zafira b>>> ----Android NewsGroup Reader----> ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- NewsGroup Reader---- ----Android NewsGroup Reader----