Autorius: test
Data: 2021-02-26 08:45:26
pasitestavimui prisijungiau prie free public usenet servo(pasirodo tokie visgi imanomi net siais laikais), atsidarau viena tikrai nishine grupe, kelios desimtys postu. Zemiau istraukos. Atrodo, kad usenetas liko tik marginalams, kuriuos uzbanino fb. Nuejus i r/Lithuania pirmas postas - "del vedimo tvarkos. del covididiotu". Desineje pirmas rulsas - "kremliaus propaganda baninama". Atrodo visa show priziuri "rokishkis", storas katinas ir pan. Psychos run the asylum.

Just got back on Usenet after 10 years. Most text based groups on Usenet are dead, but I have a "feeling" they
will come back in the "new normal" censorship that marks the post
Covid-19 clown world.
Yes, the mainstream internet has become one big politically correct, ad 
riddled, over-moderated, scammy, naggy, narcissistic, algorithm fest.
The minimalism of text based usenet feels so freeing even if there is 
nobody left to talk to.
If you want free speech (or somewhat free speech, if you are talking 
about unmoderated groups) come hang out on Usenet and be bored like the 
rest of the 10 people using Usenet for text based "conversations" and 
not to solely download porn and the latest Hollywood crappy movies.