Tema: Re: darbas internete
Autorius: NASA
Data: 2010-02-13 12:20:14
O registruojantis paipale reikia tikrus duomenis suvest? varda, pavarde, 
adresa?  o koki pasvorda ten reikia vest? Cia jungiantis prie paipal reiks 
ivest ta pasto adresa ir ta sugalvota pasvorda?
"zhegonskas" <zhegonskas@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> nu tai junkis prie mano referalu tinklo, po to rink savo referalu tinkla 
> ir turesi ir tu tiek.
> On 2010-02-13 11:35:46 +0200, OriolVektra said:
>> TA prasme 4000baksu per men?
>> "Budulis" <wacher_trint_@takas.lt> wrote in message 
>> news:hl4soc$bcl$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> naujam - neuzdirbi.
>>> vazinetam  - taip.
>>> "zhegonskas" <zhegonskas@yahoo.com> wrote in message > 
>>> news:hl4oa6$9c6$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> pinigai nekvepia, kaip tu manai as lexusams uzsidirbu?
>>>> On 2010-02-13 01:29:10 +0200, Budulis said:
>>>>> jau is ko, is ko, bet - is taves nesitikejau tokios bjausties..
>>>>> "zhegonskas" <zhegonskas@yahoo.com> wrote in message >>> 
>>>>> news:hl4d0v$19f$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>>> http://www.miniuzdarbis.puslapiai.lt/
>>>>>> rekomenduoju!
>>> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus > 
>>> signature database 4862 (20100212) __________
>>> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
>>> http://www.esetnod32.ru
>> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus 
>> signature database 4862 (20100212) __________
>> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
>> http://www.esetnod32.ru
> __________ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus 
> signature database 4862 (20100212) __________
> The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
> http://www.esetnod32.ru

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The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
