Tema: Re: va jums ir kailiniuotis
Autorius: audrius
Data: 2011-01-24 03:37:00
Tron filmo anonsa ziurejau, labai panasu

"esguires" <esquires@idiods.com> wrote in message news:ihibt1$i7u$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
> The mind-blowing supercar you see above is called Blackbird and it was 
> penned by the Hungarian artist Peter Vardai. The impressive, prominent front 
> fascia sporting the three-pointed star in the center are a powerful 
> demonstration of elegant force; the huge wheels look like engine turbines 
> taken straight from an aircraft; the aerodynamic lines and shapes of the 
> entire car evoke the smooth flight of an airplane and are, according to the 
> designer, a hommage to the rich motorsporting history of Mercedes-Benz. 