Tema: Re: 1000 aizeku
Autorius: esquir.es
Data: 2012-09-28 13:02:53
tikra tiesa, truksta jam siek tiek sugebejimu isversti taip, kad butu 
idealiai islaikytas tikslumas, bet kartu tekstas isdestytas sklandziai, o 
skaitytojas suprastu apie ka eina kalba. ta proga galime surengti konkurseli 
kaip tiksliai, bet kartu ne griozdiskai isversti tokia pastraipa:

With the new SLS AMG Coupé Electric Drive, Mercedes-AMG is entering a new 
era: the locally emission-free super sports car featuring advanced 
technology from the world of Formula 1 is the most exclusive and dynamic way 
in which to drive an electric car. The most powerful AMG high-performance 
vehicle of all time has four electric motors producing a total output of 552 
kW and a maximum torque of 1000 Nm. As a result, the gullwing model has 
become the world's fastest electrically-powered series production vehicle: 
the SLS AMG Coupé Electric Drive accelerates from zero to 100 km/h in 3.9 

del vaziavimo... na gal ne maziau, kaip prototipas: 

"VNO" <paklauskmanes@paklausk.lt> wrote in message 
> bent jau toks rimtas saitas kaip mbforumas.lt galetu rasyti kokybiskiau.
> nes sis automobilis, kaip ir visi kiti - aplinka tersia.
> ir as nematau skirtumo -ar tersimas vyskta judejimo metu ar krovimo metu.
> butu idomu zinoti ir kaip jis vaziuoja ir kiek km :)