Tema: Re: Auto pardavimas i uzsieni
Autorius: Salas
Data: 2009-11-12 10:37:09
Aha :)

Nusiuntem pasiulyma jam, kad pervestu i musu banko saskaita. Tipo pasnekejom 
su banko darbuotojais, ir jie sutiko kad rezervuotu pervestus pinigus, 
nusiustu jiems patvirtinimo e-maila, kad pinigai gauti ir rezervuoti, ir kad 
juos atlaisvintu tik tada, kai jis arba transporto kompanija patvirtins, kad 
viskas su automobiliu yra gerai :D

"AV" <algaxyspam@one.lt> wrote in message 
> "the money would not reflect in your account until you send the 300EUR to 
> the
> shipping company"
> "Salas" <salas@freemail.lt> wrote in message 
> news:hdge54$fdo$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Gal galima placiau :)
>> "Julius3" <aaa@aaa.lt> wrote in message
>> news:hdge03$f54$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> 100% viskas čia blogai :)
>>> Julius3
>>> "Salas" <salas@freemail.lt> wrote in message
>>> news:hdgdom$eqn$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> Cia draugelis bando savo automobili isleist i marcias. Susirasineja su
>>>> vienu tipu. Bet kaskaip kyla itarimas ar viskas cia gerai.
>>>> To uzsieniecio laiskas:
>>>> I am from UK but the car would be going to Spain okay so i hope all 
>>>> what
>>>> i said in the last mail is understand able to you.. Everything about 
>>>> the
>>>> shipping company and the money also about the bank confirmation and the
>>>> prove..
>>>> If you are ready to move on with this pls let me have your account
>>>> details so the transfer can be done and you can get the confirmation
>>>> email and everything could be done okay.
>>>> The money would be transfered into your account before the shipping
>>>> company come for the pick up of the car. When the bank as get the
>>>> transfer done they would send you a confirmation email that the money 
>>>> as
>>>> been transfered but the money would not reflect in your account until 
>>>> you
>>>> send the 300EUR to the shipping company details that i would give you 
>>>> and
>>>> you will send the details to the bank so they can confirm it that you
>>>> will not run away with the money when the money is released into your
>>>> account and when they confirm this they would release the money into 
>>>> your
>>>> account and when you get the money in your account you can send the
>>>> details to me and i can give it to the shipping company then the 
>>>> shipping
>>>> company will come for the pick up of the car and you will give them the
>>>> rest of the 900EUR cash okay.
>>>> I hope this is cleared to you
>>>> I wait to read back from you soon
>>>> Thanks