> Priedo, reikia ziureti size on disk, o ne dydziu suma Kitaip tariant, dar yra "slack space": kiekvieno failo dydis kažkuriais atvejais (neatsimenu) apvalinamas iki klasterio dydžio. Daug failų po kelis baitus gali sėkmingai užkišti diską ne prasčiau, negu būdami po kelis kilobaitus. Su megabaitiniais tokio efekto nebesimato. C:\WINDOWS>chkdsk i: The type of the file system is FAT. Volume MSDOS710 created 2009.11.26 05:30 Volume Serial Number is D03D-A8D1 Windows is verifying files and folders... File and folder verification is complete. Windows has checked the file system and found no problems. 213.626.880 bytes total disk space. 421.888 bytes in 11 hidden files. 53.248 bytes in 13 folders. 14.389.248 bytes in 277 files. 198.762.496 bytes available on disk. 4.096 bytes in each allocation unit. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 52.155 total allocation units on disk. 48.526 allocation units available on disk. -- saimhe