Tema: Limbo.incl.Update.1.RIP- rekomendavo o.games gruopsas. Pasirode ka tik. Kartoju.
Autorius: rauberis
Data: 2011-08-10 23:43:42
Taip reklamavot, kazkas ir pirko
Dovanojam Zoliniu ilgajam savaitgaliui, kad maziau alaus isgertumet


Uncertain of his sister's fate, a boy enters LIMBO

   Winner of more than 90 awards, including GameInformer's Best
   Downloadable, GameSpot's Best Puzzle Game, Kotaku's The Best Indie
   Game, GameReactor's Digital Game of the Year, Spike TV's Best
   Independent Game, X-Play's Best Downloadable Game and IGN's Best
   Horror Game