Tema: Re: REQ: Linux administration
Autorius: gk <zhyna@(sabaka)zhyzni.net>
Data: 2009-03-10 04:12:55
kad tik macytu :)
p.s. prisegu txt su da kazkokiom (daugiau security visoks bet kazkas ir
admin yra), gal kas patiks... va :)
"sarelis@home" <saras24[_REMOVE_]@gmail.com> wrote in message
> ačiū. pasiėmiau
> Turiu paskutinę :)
> "gk" <zhyna@(sabaka)zhyzni.net> wrote in message
> news:gp3a5r$d9f$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>> Metu i binarus: news:gp39n0$cdu$1@trimpas.omnitel.net
>> dar yra: "Securing and Optimizing Linux: The Ultimate Solution" ~4Mb
>> "sarelis@home" <saras24[_REMOVE_]@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> news:gp15jp$peu$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> gal galima būtų šitas? ačiū
>>> 188632 (ebook pdf) Linux Firewall and Proxy Server- HOWTO.pdf
>>> 30965 eBook - Using Linux as a Router.pdf
>>> 1247064 SuSE Linux - 100 tips and tricks.pdf
>>> "gk" <zyna@zyzni.net> wrote in message
>>> news:gosvu8$2u0$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>> Gal kas patiks :)
>>>> Size in Bytes Book
>>>> 276825 Basic UNIX Tutorial.pdf
>>>> 4531762 (eBook - PDF) Complete Idiot's Guide to Linux.pdf
>>>> 188632 (ebook pdf) Linux Firewall and Proxy Server-
>>>> HOWTO.pdf
>>>> 1015893 (ebook - PDF) Linux From Scratch.pdf
>>>> 5438245 (ebook - PDF) Linux - Teach Yourself Shell
>>>> Programming in 24 Hours.pdf
>>>> 30965 eBook - Using Linux as a Router.pdf
>>>> 8197602 Hungry Minds Red Hat Linux Networking and System
>>>> Administration.pdf
>>>> 10896088 Linux Command Directory.pdf
>>>> 10631201 Linux Complete - Command Reference.pdf
>>>> 188632 Linux Firewall And Proxy Server.pdf
>>>> 691680 Linux for dummies.pdf
>>>> 7076716 Linux GNU Debian Bible.pdf
>>>> 1911175 Mcgraw-Hill - Unix System Administration - A
>>>> Beginner'S Guide (Hp-Ux, Solaris, Linux) - 2002 ! - (By Laxxuss)
>>>> ybjwokag.pdf
>>>> 1247064 SuSE Linux - 100 tips and tricks.pdf
>>>> 18110040 Wiley, Red Hat Fedora Linux 2 All-In-One Desk
>>>> Reference For Dummies (2004) Ddu.pdf
>>>> 46673207 Wiley.Ubuntu.Linux.Bible.Jan.2007.pdf
>>>> On Fri, 06 Mar 2009 20:24:17 +0200, blablabla wrote:
>>>>> Sveiki
>>>>> gal kas imestu kokia gera knygute is temos Linux administration aciu