T5, su elektroniniu balastu. Spalva rinkis pagal poreikius: 3000K - warm, comparable to incandescent but usually slightly more orange or pink-orange and less yellow than incandescent. Includes "Warm White". 3500K - a whiter warm color about halfway between 3000 and 4100 K. 4100K - plain white, including "cool white". About the color of "average sunlight". 5000K - icy cold pure white, about the color of noontime tropical sunlight. Sometimes looks slightly bluish. 6500K - bluish white, including "Daylight". "va" <privatus123TRINTI@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:gskb1t$60n$1@trimpas.omnitel.net... > Sveiki, > kadangi ne velnio neismanau, tai turiu kruva klausimu, gal kas galit > pagelbet? Kokias rekomenduotumet liuminescencines lempas (vamzdeliai) > palubes apsvietimui? Ko dar reikia prie ju, kad neburgstu uzdegant, ir > veliau nemirgetu? Kur galima rast info apie ju spalvine gama? > Aciu. > >