Tema: Re: koki namo sildyma rinktis???
Autorius: Vidas Makauskas
Data: 2012-05-31 07:45:33
> Kur tokį rasti?
Parodoje grasino Siauliuose pradeti gaminti siemet Amalvoje ar kokia ten
Turiu dar pasiulyma isigyti svediska:
yra 300, 500 ir 700 m3/h modeliai su integruotu SS.
500 m3/h kaina apie 5 - 6 tukst. Lt. jeigu domina paskaiciuosim tiksliau
uz kiek atveztume is gamyklos.
Prisegu foto horizontali versija, gali buti ir vertikalus, kad maziau
uzimtu vietos garaze ar rusyje..
HRV with heat pump, here we attach the model KP-50(500 m3/h, heating
capacity approx 3kw) testing data in lab.
The highlight of heat pump in KP-50 is that its evaporator is set at the
exhaust air side of counterflow exchanger, where the temperature is
higher than the outdoor air side(cold in winter). So the unit is
available to be use in low temperature -15 C outdoors(becuase at exhaust
air side, temperature just -1 or 0 C). And the COP of total unit will be
You could check the working principle from the picture in catalog sent
t. 8 648 88958