Tema: Re: garazo (neme) signalizacija?
Autorius: Donatas
Data: 2014-10-22 11:58:08
parasyk kaip seksis (pastas tikras), as taip pat su tuo dabar zaidziuosi. 
Tik ne su orig. (1616 centralei) distanciniu, bet su universaliu priedeliu 
uz 100Lt su dviem pulteliais. Bet kuriuo atveju zonas vistiek reiks daryti 
turbut, o cia ir stringu as...


"pavidalas" <pavidalas@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> tai suskaiciavau, pultais as juos pavadinau :)
>>+ reikia bent 2 pulteliu jei dvi masinos...
>> -- 
>> -------
>> Donatas
>> "pavidalas" <pavidalas@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
>> news:m25jhr$bn3$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>> Jo, bet kaip suprogramint... tai reiks iseit atostogu, kad surast..
>>> Ir kaina 2 pultu su imtuvu ~400 susidaro :/
>>> Nors gal ir nieko.
>>>> Na va
>>>> pats susiradai
>>>> "pavidalas" <pavidalas@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
>>>> news:m25i2q$ac2$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...
>>>>> nu va sito instrukcijoje radau 
>>>>> (http://bkgrupe.lt/lt/catalog/view/?id=372)
>>>>> 2.8 Connecting a Garage Door to the RF5108-433Connect an output of the 
>>>>> RF5108-433 across the wall-mountedpush button or directly at the motor 
>>>>> of the garage door opener(please consult the garage door opener 
>>>>> instructions for properconnections). Set up the system and wireless 
>>>>> key so that it isprogrammed to pulse an output for a short duration (5 
>>>>> seconds)so that every time the programmed key is pressed the 
>>>>> garagedoor is opened or closed. The system can also be set up so 
>>>>> thatan output on the RF5108-433 will follow a main panel output thatis 
>>>>> programmed as a command output and is set up on thewireless key as 
>>>>> such. Doing this will also activate an output on theRF5108-433 for 5 
>>>>> seconds (please refer to the control panelmanual for a listing of 
>>>>> available output types and their functions).PGM 1 and/or PGM 2 on the 
>>>>> RF5108-433 can be set up to open a garage door (refer toSection 3.5). 
>>>>> NOTE: Not to be used in UL Listed installations.