Tema: Re: Tefal Optigrill+
Autorius: none
Data: 2018-03-05 12:13:11
OK, ne sensorika, o sensoriniai mygtukai :) Veikia jie pas tave? Gali 
pasirinkti žuvį, mėsą, daržoves? Nors čia gi grynas marketinginis 
triukas. Visa esmė temperatūra ir laikas ir sensorika turi būti galvoj, 
o ne ant griliaus!

Va ką rašo amerikonas:
1. It looks nice
2. It cooks fast
3. It's easy to clean.
1. Unreliable. The "brains" that are the biggest feature of this product 
quit working after less than a month. It reverted to manual only. It 
still cooked but it was just like one you can get for less than $50 then.
2. Inconsistent and difficult to use. Don't believe the ads and You Tube 
videos you see about using this product. It is anything but automatic. I 
found it very difficult to tell cooking degree (rare, medium, etc.) from 
the color gauge. It also was not consistent from one time to another. 
Totally frustrating.
3. Very expensive. Don't waste your money on this dog.

On 2018-03-05 12:01, Linas Petkevičius wrote:
> Nera ten jokios sensorikos. Tai yra jei uzsistatai medium, keps n 
> minuciu, nesvarbu ka padesi - Kobes karbonada ar kerzo puspadi.