Tema: Re: kaip mokytis CAD?
Autorius: E-Zyz
Data: 2018-10-24 11:35:42
>> jau perziurejau saita - gali imest nuroda su situo parasytu?
> https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/fusion-360/learn-explore/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/How-to-activate-start-up-or-educational-licensing-for-Fusion-360.html 

The free Start-Up/ Enthusiast licenses allow you to access Fusion 360 
with a yearly subscription after the trial period has ended. You can use 
this license if you are a small business making less than $100,000 per 
year (or equivalent), or if you're a hobbyist using Fusion 360 for 
non-commercial purposes.