siaip wrote: > tai jei jau cituoji wiki, tai iki galo. Is tavo paties nuorodos (nera jis > jau toks nekaltas) : Fenilketonurea, yeah right. Nieko rimtesnio neradai? Gali neatsakinet - tolimesnes diskusijos nebus S. > Upon ingestion, aspartame breaks down into natural residual components, > including aspartic acid, phenylalanine, methanol, and further breakdown > products including formaldehyde,[18] formic acid, and a diketopiperazine. > High levels of the naturally-occurring essential amino acid phenylalanine > are a health hazard to those born with phenylketonuria (PKU), a rare > inherited disease that prevents phenylalanine from being properly > metabolized. Since individuals with PKU must consider aspartame as an > additional source of phenylalanine, foods containing aspartame sold in the > United States must state "Phenylketonurics: Contains Phenylalanine" on their > product labels. > > In the UK, foods that contain aspartame must list the chemical among the > product's ingredients and carry the warning "Contains a source of > phenylalanine" – this is usually at the foot of the list of ingredients. > Manufacturers should print '"with sweetener(s)" on the label close to the > main product name' on foods that contain "sweeteners such as aspartame" or > "with sugar and sweetener(s)" on "foods that contain both sugar and > sweetener". "This labelling is a legal requirement", says the country's Food > Standards Agency.[19]