Tema: Re: COMM 32 gb micro SD + adapteris
Autorius: PDJ
Data: 2011-06-09 22:52:03
ajajaj, cia tas fuflekas is ebay, ir as norejau pirkti bet ebajus uzrauke ta 
pardaveja ir cancelino transaction'a....

300559846529 - 32GB Micro SD SDHC SD MicroSD Memory Card + SD Adapter
Most items listed on eBay are legitimate, and there are many things we do to 
protect our members from buying items that aren't. One thing we do is remove 
items reported to us as allegedly infringing through the eBay VeRO program.
In this case, we removed the listing because the copyright or trademark 
owner of this product reported that they believe the item may not be 