Tema: Re: Lumix smulkus (?) remontas.
Autorius: MRT
Data: 2017-06-10 14:33:15
> Sveiki,
> Antradieni isvaziuojam į kelione,o siandien pastebejau, kad ant matricos 
> kazkoks shudas.  Kaip jis ten pateko, neturiu supratimo. Muiline - 
> Panasonic LumixDMC-LX100. Pridavienti i visokius garantinius ir laukti 
> labai nesinori. Gal cia yra kokiu su teisingai auganciomis rankomis - 
> kurie zino kaip iki ten dasikasti ir kaip tai sutvarkyti. 
> Variantas"Nieko sudetingo, nusipirk pora mazu atsuktuvu ir rinkini 
> valymnui, pasidarysi pats" atmetamas - Jus manes neivertinate.

pagooglinus, tai nepaisant, kad Panasonic nuostabiausias, bet cia paliko 
atvira subine ir visokie sudai/dulkes patenka ant sensoriaus.
Galima mastyt ir apie babkiu atgavima, jei cia toks reikalas..

be maziuku atsuktuvu su dulkiu siurbliu:


I got this great tip from another member on dppreview. It works great, 
save $$$ and give me joy with this awesome Lumix LX100 again:

.... The dust can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner, just make an 
adapter with a plastic bottle and while the vacuum cleaner is sucking 
the air, turn the camera on and zoom in and out several times .

The adaptor can be made with a small plastic water bottle, cut both 
sides, one end will receive the vacuum hose and the other end the lens 
of the camera, the size must allow the lens to fully extend. If your 
vacuum cleaner is very strong , set it to low power or cut some holes in 
the adaptor . Did this procedure sometimes and it works like magic even 
for sensor dust.