Tema: Q: Paypal Unauthorized transaction
Autorius: Katinelis
Data: 2017-11-09 11:45:27

Reikia patarimo kaip geriausia daryti tokioje situacijoje, kad kuo mazesni 
nuostoli patirti.

Nupirko is manes produkta amerikonas per Paypal'a. Issiunciau produkta 
registruotu pastu, trackingas rodo, kad pristatyta.
Dabar gaunu laiska is Paypalo kuriame rasho, kad "The buyer reported that 
someone made the order without their permission."

Paypalas siulo tris optionus:

How would you like to respond?

1. I've already shipped the product or provided the service
2. I've already issued a refund
3. I'll issue a refund to my customer and close this case

Beje, jei tai ka nors keicia - Paypalo dashboard'e order'is visas zalias: 
"Seller Protection - Eligible " ir "Shipping address - confirmed".

Customeras i emailus nereaguoja.
