jei sausa. siaip ijungus lyg saldo lyg ora pučia. Vienas pencinykas sugebejo nusipirkt tai dabar nei išmest nei ka su juo daryt. Na gal panaudosiu kada nuo lituoklio dumus nutraukt On 2018.08.02 12:24, g1E wrote: > nieko nežinau apie subj, bet pats principas pakankamai veiksmingas: > > > > Cooling is generated by vaporized cool water delivered by a self-contained > electrical motor. During operation it only consumes water and it makes > no use of > internal combustion engines, nor does it use chemical coolants or emit > gases into > the atmosphere. The unit is equipped with a water pump located in an > auxiliary > tank which takes water to the evaporator. A biturbo blower pushes the > exterior > air to the interior of the truck forcing the air through the evaporator and > therefore cooling the warm air. The exceeding water backs to the water > tank. > >