Tema: Ir vel ebay
Autorius: Arunas-X
Data: 2009-09-27 14:05:54
ineinu i ebay.com ten iskart reklama navigacijos ir parasyta "free shipping" 
paspaudziu, paverciu i lt na saku reikia pirktki paspaudziu buy paraso

      This seller has set buyer requirements for this item and only sells to 
buyers who meet those requirements.

      You are unable to bid on or buy this item because:

     You are registered in a country to which the seller doesn't ship.

Note: If you are still interested in bidding on or buying this item, you may 
contact the seller and ask that they exempt you from any buyer requirements.

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dazniausia buna prie uzraso PRICE uzrasyta LTU ar kita salis cia nera?

beje nuotraukoje yra ikelta  virsui per paieska nuotrauka, o apacioje kita 
nuotrauke is reklamos, bet vistiek raso kad neleidzia pirkti :(