Tema: Re: Sony Bravia XBR KDL-46XBR8
Autorius: Sigitas
Data: 2010-12-04 20:20:04
Va dabar pradėjo laiką gerai rodyti, o diena pasidarė - gruodžio 2...:)
Čia, matomai, Mikravisatos signalas (skaitmeninis-kabelinis) durniuoja, 
tiksliau - "operatoriai"...

"Sigitas"  wrote in message news:iddvi8$ain$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

Understand... OK

"Virgij"  wrote in message news:idduke$9km$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

?When the TV is
receiving digital channels, the clock cannot be adjusted
manually since it is set to the time code of the broadcasted

"Sigitas"  wrote in message news:iddt6f$88r$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

Pas mane SONY KDL32EX402 kažkaip kitaip...

"Virgij"  wrote in message news:iddrd1$6gj$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

?1 Press the green "Power" button on the Sony remote control to turn your TV
on. Then press the purple "Menu" button.

"menu" nėra, yra tik "HOME"

2 Navigate to the menu "Setup" by pressing the "arrow down" key.

į "Setup" nueinu su "key left"

3 Press the "arrow right" key to get to the "Setup" options on the right

Niekur nerandu "Clock/Timers"...

4 Navigate to the option "Clock/Timers" by pressing the "arrow down" key and
press "Enter" button."
5 Press the "arrow down" or "arrow up" keys to get to "Current Time" line.
Then press "Enter" button.
6 Press the "arrow down" or "arrow up" keys to select the current day
("Monday" through "Sunday"). Press the "arrow right" key.
7 Select the current hour ("1" through "12") by pressing the "arrow down" or
"arrow up" keys. Press the "arrow right" key.
8 Select the current minute ("00" through "59") by pressing the "arrow down"
or "arrow up" keys. Press the "arrow right" key.
9 Press the "arrow down" key to toggle between "AM" and "PM" and choose the
correct one. Then press "Enter" button and then "Menu" to finish settings.

"Sigitas"  wrote in message news:iddd8s$po8$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

Niekaip nerandu kaip nustatyti laiką TV SONY KDL32EX402. Gal kas

"saulius74901"  wrote in message news:idd5jf$j9i$1@trimpas.omnitel.net...

Nieko negaliu padet. Jei va Panasonic, Sharp ar Samsung - tai prasom.
"Inco" <info@globalshop.lt> wrote in message
> Butent sita modeli kur galima butu nusipirkti?