Tema: COMM: 2,5 hdd dezute
Autorius: Tomas <james(trinti)@nkm.lt>
Data: 2010-04-15 23:23:07
naujas. kaina 30 lt.
yra galimybe etadien nuo 14 val. Kaune atvaiuoti viet ir paimti.
* Powered by computer USB port, no external power is required.
* LED light for R/W status indicated
* Supports 2.5" HDD with SATA interface
* Power supplied by USB only
* HDD Case: 12.0 x 7.4 x 1.0cm
* USB cable (lenght): 50cm
* Leather bag: 14.1 x 9.4 x 0.1cm
* Support HDD Type: 2.5" SATA HDD
* USB cable Interface: USB-A plug *2 to Mini-B plug
* Color: Black