Va radau pagooglines.. ziurek 2 punkta :) Television output control is "greyed out" and cannot be selected. In some instances when using a TV OUT (PC2TV) capable card, the control to enable this feature in the Display Properties panel may appear "greyed out" and cannot be selected. Depending on the specific product in use the TV OUT control will appear in one of the following two formats: There are several reasons why the TV OUT control might be unavailable: No TV attached. Improper "load" on the TV out connector. Resolution is not supported (3D RAGE II/II+ and 3D RAGE PRO only). CMOS Video ROM Shadow Configuration. System BIOS does not support a video ROM larger than 32k. DETAILS: 1. No TV attached. ATI drivers for products which support TV OUT will automatically detect the presence of a TV or VCR connected to the TV OUT port. If no device is detected, the option to enable TV output is not offered. 2. Improper "load" on the TV out connector. TV device detection, mentioned above, is accomplished by testing for a 75 ohm impedance on the TV out connector. Most standard TV's and VCR's have this characteristic impedance, however, some high-end TV display devices (e.g. professional video production equipment) may not. If you're using high-end equipment, check for an impedance switch on the display device, or check the user's manual for an option to attach a 75 ohm load. 3. Resolution is not supported (3D RAGE II/II+ and 3D RAGE PRO only). TV OUT is only supported at resolutions up to 800x600 (and 848x480 on some wide-screen monitors). If the desktop is currently configured for a resolution HIGHER than those supported by TV OUT, the checkbox may be unavailable. 4. CMOS Video ROM Shadow Configuration. ATI products with TV OUT capability typically have a video ROM which occupies C000 to CBFF in the expansion ROM region. Most system setup (i.e. CMOS) programs assume that a video ROM is only 32k in size. Check your system setup for an option to separately control the video ROM region (C000 to C7FF) and the region from C800 to CBFF (or possibly C800 to CFFF). Test with ROM shadow ENABLED for BOTH regions. If that doesn't work, try ROM shadow DISABLED for both regions. 5. System BIOS does not support a video ROM larger than 32k. Some system BIOSes simply will not allow a video ROM to allocate more than 32k of ROM space at boot time. Check with your motherboard manufacturer for a system BIOS update that might correct this issue. ATI offers a DOS device driver called ATITBDRV.SYS as a workaround for 3D RAGE II/II+ and 3D RAGE PRO products. This should be installed in your CONFIG.SYS file during display driver installation IF the installer detects a need for it. However, the detection process is not perfect. You can manually install ATITBDRV.SYS by inserting the following line in the CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ATITBDRV.SYS You may need to correct the path to match your exact system configuration. Note that ATITBDRV.SYS will only provide minimal TV OUT functionality. An updated system BIOS which corrects the 32k video BIOS limitation will provide a more thorough solution. Note: ATITBDRV.SYS does not support RAGE 128 products. Please contact your system manufacturer for information on obtaining an updated system BIOS. "YogiBear" <> wrote in message news:g3eb7u$rsk$ > Dabar jau nezinau, gal google pades... > > > "Vytook's" <> wrote in message > news:g3aq5s$3kp$ >> Telikas LG iš senesniu. O kur apie tą varžą paskaityti? >> >>> Arba telikas toks, man su Funai teleku kadaise su ati rage irgi buvo >>> problemu... >>> Pajunges buvau per videka, kazkur buvau isskaites kad ant teliko video >>> in turi but kazkokia varza, jeigu ne tai ati "galvoja" kad nepajungta, >>> nors teliko video in ir yra normalei veikiantis. >>> Solutionas buvo paprastas kazka palituot ant kabelio ir veiks, bet man >>> per videka netgi patogiau buvo ;) >> >>>>> Senute ATI rage pro turi tv out'a S-video / Composite. >>>>> Atsisiunčiau paskutinius oficialius draiverius, kad galėčiau perjungti >>>>> ant tv out'o, nueinu į properčius, o ten telikas neaktyvus, tipo >>>>> nepajungtas. >>>>> Aš jungiu per composita, S-video telikas neturi. >>>>> Ką daryc? >> >> > >