Tema: Re: Kokie CPU tinka?
Autorius: Stilius
Data: 2011-01-26 18:49:35
Kažkaip keistai intel www celeron m 410 parašyta Sockets Supported PPGA478. 
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Socket M (mPGA478MT), also known as Socket 479 mPGA is a CPU interface 
introduced by Intel in 2006 for the Intel Core line of mobile processors.

Socket 479 is the CPU socket for the Intel Pentium M and Celeron M, mobile 
processors. Normally used in laptops, but has also been used with Tualatin-M 
Pentium III processors. The official naming by Intel is mFCPGA and mPGA479M. 
Despite the fact that Socket 479 has 479 pin holes, the Pentium M Processors 
for this socket have only 478 pins