On 2011.04.28 22:35, Fla wrote: > hm, o cia ne klaida su tuo green 7200rpm... ? Klaida. Tik kad su WD sena pasaka, kai po tuo pačiu modeliu eina skirtingi variantai (rpm, blynų skaičius), ir reikia žiūrėti kuri ten "revizija". O kainoraščiai apsiriboja tik WD20EARS parašymu, ir leidžia sau pafantazuot dar :) 1st version: WD20EARS-00S8B1 = 4 500GB platters, 5400 RPM (launched in January 2009). 2nd version: WD20EARS-00J2GB0 = 4 500GB platters (made since early April 2010 in Thailand and on the market since May 2010). The PCB is more compact than the WD20EARS-00S8B1 and design of the hard disk has been modified and approximates that of the 1 TB version. The firmware WD20EARS 00S8B1-and-WD20EARS 00J2GB0 is: 80.00A80 (like many other models of Western Digital hard disks). 3rd version: WD20EARS-00MVWB0 = 3 trays 667Gb (the production of this new model began at the end of May), 5000 RPM. The firmware is: 50.0AB50. -- accu