Tema: Re: RCA2VGA
Autorius: B-one
Data: 2008-03-23 01:13:46
ziurint y sita vielute labai parupo, gal visgi mano kompas gali rodyti 
vaizda televizoriui :)
turiu dell altitude d630 su intel mobile gm965 jei neklystu, kuris seip 
palaiko yv out, bet nelabai sekasi sura
to patvirtinima ar paneigima. gal kas susiduret ir issiaiskinot?


"MRT" <martynas@fastlink.lt> wrote in message 
>> dekui, biudzetas siam reikalui keliolika lt. turbut teks kaip visad - is 
>> ebay.com :)
>> http://cgi.ebay.com/VGA-to-TV-Converter-S-Video-RCA-OUT-Cable-Adapter-B109_W0QQitemZ220215257295QQihZ012QQcategoryZ41999QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQQcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p1638.m122
> Tai kad tau ne tokio daikto juk reikia.. cia "adapteris" is VGA i TV-Out..
> nors asmeniskai jis man keistas.. gal cia esme is slypi tuose punktuose:
> a.. It will work with laptops and desktops with VGA cards that has TV-Out 
> function capability through the VGA connector.
> a.. Please check your PC & Video Card manual or manufacturer to make sure 
> that your VGA card has TV-Out function capability through the VGA 
> connector to ensure this cable will work for you!